Wednesday, September 14, 2016


In my 80+ years I have known many men, not in the Biblical sense, but as father, brother, cousin, son, friend, colleague and neighbor. But I have never known one with the unique qualities of my now gone husband, Paul.

He was by training a scientist with a PHD in Chemistry. By temperment and artist. By inclination a philosopher. By accomplishments a moderate success in all, a failure in none.

He was but three years old, the youngest of four children, when he was labeled "NOTIONS". I did not know him as a child, but my experience with him as an adult tells me that "NOTIONS" was the perfect moniker.

His obituary which before his death we wrote together captures his life and spirit. The first line and last few were added after his death. 

Paul Eugene Field of Elliston died April 11 at the age of 79.
Nature whence he came has reclaimed his body and spirit
A body nourished by vigorous exercise and healthy food
A spirit fed by passion, curiosity and principles
A drive to think, to learn, to know and write
A need to live, to laugh, to love and play
A love of nature compelling him to salute the sun
Revere the trees, bow to butterflies and laud the birds
An addiction to the arts leaving his domed, mural walled folly
His tiled towering obelisk
His indomitable spirit and active body have returned to their
 proper place
Cherishing his memory are his wife Jewell
Children Sylvia, Randy and Thom
Grandchildren Karen and Joey
A host of friends

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