Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Old people 12

Janice had not anticipated leaving Florida sick. But she was sick and remained so during the long return trip. Four days after her arrival home she was still sick.

Results from a battery of tests were-- what did they tell her? Inconclusive. Whatever that meant. Janice’s physical discomfort, bad as it was, did not begin to equal her deflated spirit. “I have no time for this.” she told her haggard face in the mirror. She had stopped counting the phone calls interrupting her private pity party.

Mazie had not called again after the explosive response to the last of Mazie’s many solicitous calls. “Why did I yell at her.” Janice asked the pitiful reflection in the mirror. “How can I blame her?”

Now was not the time for recriminations-- about anyone – about anything. Now was the time to find out what the problem was. Now was the time to see if it could be fixed.

Now was the time to ask for help from a life long friend. Janice picked up the phone and dialed. When Mazie answered Janice said, “Mazie, You had supper yet? I have a pizza in the freezer. Want to share it?”

“I’ll bring a bottle of wine. What time?”