Friday, June 13, 2014

My Rabbit Frenzied Dog

My beagle-terrier mix, Madigan, is assuredly more than three quarters beagle. He is a tenacious rabbit chaser.

For fear of losing him before he fully became mine I allowed him out of the house only on a leash. His need to walk and pee and poop has given me more walking time than I've had in the past two or three years.

The benefits of long walks fell prey to a rabbit encounter which was a threat to my very life.  I carefully tethered Madigan on a long leash to a tree near my blueberry bushes where I picked from one of the best crops I've had in years. My berry container was filling fast. In an instant Madigan lunged at a passing rabbit, broke his leash and was gone. He had no identifying tag on his collar and he was off to the gods know where. My heart raced, my spirits sank. I had just lost my dog-- the second in a week.

It was in reality a short time-- though it seemed an eternity -- in the midst of my hiking the fields around my house that I heard a barking-- a low- beagle sounding bark. I hurried toward the sound, to the house down the street where my Madigan was cornered by the owner. I now have a much stronger leash

My friend later posted on my e-mail the following:
                                         Madigan's spree

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