Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Janice Faces Her Lonliness

Mazie’s call lingered in her consciousness. Why she wondered. Was it the loneliness, the boredom or the wine? Janice felt she had been kicked in the ass. Alone in her two people house she felt attacked on two fronts. A family whose evangelical roots ran wide and deep loomed in the recesses of her consciousness. The Unitarian Fellowship of which she and Charlie were founders-- now a church they worked so hard to avoid-- plagued her.

“The world is too much with us” a famous poet once said. Janice agreed.

When Charlie was alive they felt a connection with each other, with nature, with God. Charlie was the linchpin of her spiritual health. Now Charlie was gone.

Can the trinity- father, son and holy ghost exist of one is removed? Can her own trinity, Janice, Charlie and nature, exist if one is removed?

Screw Mazie! Why did she have the right to stir things up?

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