Monday, March 7, 2011

Meet Cartimandua

     My idea of the perfect hen party crosses time and space with ease. Julia of the first century AD and Tanaquil seven hundred years earlier (already introduced) are 'musts'. 'Musts' because they are soul mates who not only survive but thrive in their male dominated worlds. We now add a third member.  Far from Rome, concurrent wth Julia, is a Celtic princess, Cartimandua of Brigantia, (a tribe of Britain).  In spirit she rivals Julia and Tanaquil.
     Cartimandua was but a child when her father, the king, dragged her from her play to meet a new prince from a neighboring tribe.
     "It's a young man from the Carvetii. He will live with us for some time."
     "Not that again," she said as she tried to wipe her dirt covered face. "I hate these stupid boys you bring in.  They're mean and nasty."
     The king's laughter rang out as he wiped dirt from her nose. "And you're clean and sweet?  Now Carti, you know we have these agreements with the federation. And don't forget your brother has just left for his stay with the Carvetii. Would you have me go back on my agreement? Think for a minute just what that would mean."  She scowled and lowered her eyes. "And while you're thinking about it, wipe that grimace from you face and determine to be civil.  Who knows, you just might like young Venutius."
     Cartimandua's nod belied her determination to hate this interloper into her world.  How different could he be from the others? They were all the same- boring and ugly.  Far from she would wish as a play mate, a companion or a friend- and gods forbid a husband. Overly confident, usually unattractive, one after the other they came, from one tribe or another.  This new Carvetii would be no different.  And she, a mere girl, would have no choice but to accept him. She would not make it easy for him.
     Both Julia and Tanaquil will like her.  You will like her and can get to know her by going to

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  1. cut and paste the link into your browser!
