Saturday, April 6, 2019


Evie here. My friend Janice has conned me into taking over her blog. When I protested she refused to listen. “You owe me”, she said.
“What would I write about?”
“About what you know.”
“And what do I know?”
“Don’t be daft? You taught in high school for how many years? And you were the wife of professor for
longer that that.”
* * * * *

So I Evie will try. There is no plot—just isolated stories as they occur to me.


Carol Johnson came to teaching late. During her stay at home mom stent she earned her teaching accreditation from the University where her husband taught. Her first job began the week after her forty-sixth birthday. The expected problems of a first time teacher were easily mastered , likely from experience gained by surviving the adolescence of her own three children.

The faculty with one exception was warm and welcoming. Not that one was unaccepting-- he was stand offish. Dale Morris, a shy twenty three year old history teacher insisted on calling Carol “Mrs Johnson. The only one to do so. A month into the school year she called to him as he passed her classroom on his way to his own. “Dale, can I ask you a big favor?”

“”Mrs Johnson. Yeah. What can I do for you?”
“Call me Carol.”
“I couldn’t do that.”
“But you can’t imagine how old you make me feel. You’re the only one who calls me that and it makes me feel so old and not apart of the group. So please.”

“Mrs. Johnson I was raised to respect older people. I just can’t do that.”

“Sorry to hear that Mr. Morris. Until the day Dale was transferred to another school Carol was the only faculty who called Dale Mr. Morris.

Thursday, March 14, 2019




The weekend became a week; one week became two. Two weeks became three. At times Evie seemed to have grip on her life. At times she seemed to be sliding into a role of a dependent. A dependent of Janice, who saw this as good for neither her or Evie and certainly not of their friendship.

It was time for Janice to leave.

After a leisurely breakfast, which had become their habit, Janice said. “I think it is time I get back home. My little dog can’t stay with my neighbor forever. He won’t even recognize if I stay away much longer.”

“But you just got here.”

“Like weeks ago. It’s time.”

“And what will I do without you?”

“Evie, you are an intelligent woman. A woman who taught English – how many years? All that time you used to say someday when I don’t have to grade papers and make lesson plans I am going to write. So now is the time. Write.”

“Write about what?”

“Good god woman, you have all those years in the school and you have all those years with your husband’s university career. You have no end of things to write about.”

“And do what with it?”

“I am giving you a special gift. My BLOG. I am giving it to you. And I fully expect you to write it-- every week. No argument. The blog is yours. I will look for next week’s entry.”

Thus begins Evie’s Blog.