Tuesday, August 15, 2017

If It Were't For Bad Luck I'd Have No Luck At All

Recently I had what can only be called the week from Hell. On Sunday night my refrigerator died. Monday morning I purchased a new one. That was not an easy task. I live in a remodeled double wide manufactured home. It is small; the doors are not standard width. I knew from past experience that one of those wide refrigerators would never make it into the house. With tape measure in hand I went shopping. Done. Plans to deliver was set for Thursday at 9:00AM.

Wednesday evening what was to be a hot shower turned out to be a cold shower. The water heater died.  Thursday AM a water heater repairman came to inform me that to repair would be almost as costly as replacement. Friday was set for replacement. Meanwhile the refrigerator did not come. After a round of calls back and forth I learned it was on the delivery truck and would be delivered at 7:00 PM. Not so. It arrived at 9:00.

I was in good shape. The refrigerator was in;  the water heater was coming tomorrow. Not so. The air conditioning stopped working. Friday the water heater was installed; the air conditioning was fixed. Time to buy groceries. I had just left when my car blinked one of those nasty little warnings-- telling me my tires are in need of air. I sat in a tire place for two + hours while they finally for around to patching a puncture and re-inflating the tire.

Now all is good.  You would think.

Saturday I decided to fill out the registration forms for the new appliances. Two little cards with lines for the model number and serial number. Easy I thought as I got that information from the inside of the refrigerator.  Not so the water heater.  With some difficulty I located  the information. In a tiny little box at the very bottom of the heater-- small not sharp black letters on a dark gray heater. I am old; my joints are old; my eyes are old. I stooped: I sat on a stool; I knelt on the floor. I held a flashlight and a magnifying glass. No luck. Then I stretched out on the floor- flashlight and magnifying glass in one hand-- pencil in the other. Just as I was to write the long series of numbers and letters my dog jumped on my back hoping it was play time.

If there be god anywhere I hope he/she or it gives me a reprieve before further problems.