Saturday, April 6, 2019


Evie here. My friend Janice has conned me into taking over her blog. When I protested she refused to listen. “You owe me”, she said.
“What would I write about?”
“About what you know.”
“And what do I know?”
“Don’t be daft? You taught in high school for how many years? And you were the wife of professor for
longer that that.”
* * * * *

So I Evie will try. There is no plot—just isolated stories as they occur to me.


Carol Johnson came to teaching late. During her stay at home mom stent she earned her teaching accreditation from the University where her husband taught. Her first job began the week after her forty-sixth birthday. The expected problems of a first time teacher were easily mastered , likely from experience gained by surviving the adolescence of her own three children.

The faculty with one exception was warm and welcoming. Not that one was unaccepting-- he was stand offish. Dale Morris, a shy twenty three year old history teacher insisted on calling Carol “Mrs Johnson. The only one to do so. A month into the school year she called to him as he passed her classroom on his way to his own. “Dale, can I ask you a big favor?”

“”Mrs Johnson. Yeah. What can I do for you?”
“Call me Carol.”
“I couldn’t do that.”
“But you can’t imagine how old you make me feel. You’re the only one who calls me that and it makes me feel so old and not apart of the group. So please.”

“Mrs. Johnson I was raised to respect older people. I just can’t do that.”

“Sorry to hear that Mr. Morris. Until the day Dale was transferred to another school Carol was the only faculty who called Dale Mr. Morris.

Thursday, March 14, 2019




The weekend became a week; one week became two. Two weeks became three. At times Evie seemed to have grip on her life. At times she seemed to be sliding into a role of a dependent. A dependent of Janice, who saw this as good for neither her or Evie and certainly not of their friendship.

It was time for Janice to leave.

After a leisurely breakfast, which had become their habit, Janice said. “I think it is time I get back home. My little dog can’t stay with my neighbor forever. He won’t even recognize if I stay away much longer.”

“But you just got here.”

“Like weeks ago. It’s time.”

“And what will I do without you?”

“Evie, you are an intelligent woman. A woman who taught English – how many years? All that time you used to say someday when I don’t have to grade papers and make lesson plans I am going to write. So now is the time. Write.”

“Write about what?”

“Good god woman, you have all those years in the school and you have all those years with your husband’s university career. You have no end of things to write about.”

“And do what with it?”

“I am giving you a special gift. My BLOG. I am giving it to you. And I fully expect you to write it-- every week. No argument. The blog is yours. I will look for next week’s entry.”

Thus begins Evie’s Blog.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018



Challenged by Janice Evie acknowledged her problem was not all Roy Cohen. “But he is a lot of it”, she protested.

“I don’t doubt that but ---” Janice did not finish.

Nothing is louder than labored silence, but Janice was about to let Evie off the hook. Time seemed suspended.

Finally Evie said, “You’ve never met Roy or anyone like him if you’re lucky. You cannot imagine--”


“And it’s not just one thing. When he first came here James was so welcoming and generous. We-- James and me-- always tried to welcome new faculty members. We always invited the new people to dinner. We introduced them to other people. And we did that for Roy and his wife. We invited them to dinner. You know how I entertain-- not a hot dog picnic but a real – you know.” Evie waited for a response but got none. “I prepared a real nice meal, my favorite veal parmigiana. I set a nice table with flowers and candles. They were to arrive at 7:30. 7:30 came- then 8 and 8:30. We wondered if something was wrong. James called and you will not believe this.”


“Evie sighed heavily. “You will find this hard to believe. Roy said he forget they were invited. He forgot.”

Janice eager to diffuse the rising tension said, “That would piss me off too. But --”

“Does it matter that much, you’re thinking.” Janice shrugged. Evie continued, “But if that was all.”

“If that was all you would it be ok?”

“But it wasn't all. He spent years with his relentless efforts to undermine James, to keep him from being promoted to full professor.”

“And you know this how?”

“It doesn’t matter how I found out. What matters is he admitted it and tried to justify it.”

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Janice listened as the story of Roy Cohen poured out. “Before James died we were part of group that net twice a month for lunch and conversation. Three couples. George and Doris, Nancy and Don, James and me. After James died George invited Roy Cohen to the group. From the time we first met Roy we never clicked, but nothing boiled over.”

She paused, closed her eyes and took two deep breaths. Janice waited. “Roy is a know it all. And a control freak. He insists on controlling the direction of the conversation. I think I could deal with that...” Silence

“I did deal with it until..” More silence. “Until-- as I was cleaning up James’ computer entries I found it. Roy had sabotaged James’ promotion to full professor. I confronted him. He admitted it. He offered a feeble explanation about protecting his own career and  his place in the department. I just cannot go twice a month and sit side by side with him.”

Janice raised an eyebrow “Then don’t go.”

“It’s not that easy. I have tried to make appointments on meeting days. But I …. I can’t keep doing that.”

Janice fought a need give an unkind response. “You can just say I am not coming anymore.”

“You aren’t getting it. George and Doris-- James and me. We were best friends for nearly thirty years. They were beside me all through James illness. And so supportive after. Well George died last year and Doris and I. We needed each other. Until I found out about Roy. I can’t ask her to just dump Roy. How can I say ‘Choose. It’s me or Roy’”

Evie buried her face in her hands. Silence.

Janice said, “You’re telling me you guzzle wine because of this? Evie, that’s bullshit and you know it.”

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Janice, summoned by her old friend, Evie, arrived to a house in disarray and a friend encumbered by too much wine. That was last night.

Janice awoke to the smell of coffee and the whir of the vacuum. Evelyn clad in an over sized T shirt and a blue bandana did not notice Janice’s entrance. She started when Janice clapped her hands. “Damn it Janice, don’t sneak up on me.”

“You’re looking better than you did last night. And so is the room.”

“Do I smell coffee?”

Evelyn scurried to put away the vacuum. “And donuts. Or would you like a bigger breakfast? I think I have ham and eggs.”

“Coffee and donuts are fine. But first-- Evie just what in hell is going on here?”

Janice watched a jittery Evie set out two cups and a plate of donuts-- with more fuss than needed. “Evie you pleaded with me to come here. I came and what did I find?”

“I expected you today, not yesterday.”

The strained silence, the hot coffee. The Crispy Creme Donuts did little to lessen the tension. Finally Evie said, “I am in a real funk.”

“Fueled no doubt by wine-- I suspect by the number of empty bottles which I see you have removed from the room.”

“Roy Cohen is---. You don’t know him. But he has turned me into someone I don’t like.”

“Who is Roy Cohen?”

“He was a colleague of James. We had a spotty relationship with him and his snarky wife from the beginning. But now I’ve discovered-- and he does not deny it- in fact he admits it and tries to justify it--” She paused and sipped her coffee. Janice fought back the urge to say “Get on with it.”

“He admits he was the one who sabotoged James’ promotion to full professor.”

“And that drives you to drink?”

“Not by itself.”

Janice closed her eyes to avoid looking directly at Evie when she said, “Tell me more.”

Thursday, October 11, 2018


The trip to Dublin was long enough to fuel Janice's dread of what she facing. Her last conversation with Evelyn echoed in her head. She slowed the car. Two deep breaths as she turned into Evelyn's driveway. She rang the bell the third time. Standing on tiptoe she tried to peer in the small window at the top of the door. Standing on tiptoe she tried to peer through the small window in the door.

As she   returned to her car for her phone the door opened. Evelyn came out. Bra-less, in an oversized T shirt and baggy shorts Evelyn said. "I thought you were  coming tomorrow." She brushed back her uncombed hair. "I was just straightening up."

Straightening up was needed. The house was a mess. Newspapers, magazines, cups, glasses covered the table, counter, and chairs. Janice could not restrain her gasp. "Evie, good God what is going on here?"

No answer. No answer was needed. The row of empty wine bottles told it all. Evelyn was silent.
"Evie." Evie burst into tears and fled.

Coming out of the bathroom with combed hair and dried tears she stood face to face with Janice. "I'm in a bad place."

Janice embraced her. "Well I'm here."

Friday, August 31, 2018


Janice for the first time in what seemed like an eternity felt good. And not too soon for Mazie who missed time well spent with her old friend. Needless to say Mazie did not respond well when Janice announced her plans for an open ended visit to a cousin in Ohio.''
"What do you mean- you don't know how long? We have plans for the play series at the playhouse."
"I mean I don't know. Evelyn is going through a bad time right now. You surely remember how badly she took her husband's death. The whole family wondered about her sanity."
"My god, that was what-- eight or nine years ago. I don't mean to seem heartless, but isn't it about time she coped?"
"This is a little more complicated. And right now she's in need of somebody."
"Is she sick?"
"No at least not physically. But it is complicated and I don't feel comfortable telling anyone about it until I know it is ok with her. I do have to go, and I don't know how long I will be gone. As long as I'm needed."
Mazie hesitated before saying. "Well you have always been the available one-- for any of us as we needed you. I'll find someone else to go to the plays. But do keep in touch --please."
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